How Intermittent Fasting Could Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Fasting usually leads to conflicting thoughts, mostly because food is delicious. But it doesn’t have to be extreme. And it’s beginning to look like fasting could be a viable option to maintaining good health. This is especially true for intermittent fasting and cardiovascular health. The trick is to do it in a sensible way, and knowing the risks and benefits.


How Are Fasting and Cardiovascular Health Related

The link between intermittent fasting and improved cardiovascular health is said to be cholesterol. By fasting, you’re giving your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) a chance to decrease. LDL is the bad cholesterol in your body known for its potential to inflict significant damage to your cardiovascular system.

The Risks

The risks, on the other hand, come down to the person doing the fasting. If you undertake any form of exercise while you’re fasting, it’s important to know that you’re putting yourself at risk of suffering hypoglycemia.This can lead to feeling dizzy or even fainting. This risk is even more pronounced if you have diabetes. In addition, it is risky for those suffering from an eating disorder, such as anorexia, to fast in any capacity, as it could trigger a relapse.


Your fasting period can also play a large role in determining the benefits and risks. It’s been said that those who fast for 24 hours a day (1 to 2 days a week) are more likely to experience significantly positive results. Those who fast by simply skipping a meal at breakfast or dinner, however, could actually put on weight instead. This can be attributed to the impact of fasting on your metabolism, but it could also be due to excess calories consumed after fasting.

In Conclusion

With research on the rise in this matter, this method could potentially be a means to an end for those out there suffering from poor cardiovascular health.


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